Member Access to the Club Website

  1. Click on ‘Member Login’ on the top right hand side.
  2. Insert login name and password if known (go to point 8).
  3. If unknown click on ‘New and existing users: retrieve login and/or reset password’.
  4. Fill in the three fields on ‘Retrieve login Information’ page and submit.
  5. If you are on the database, an email will be sent to you providing a link to the webpage and a login name for you to set your own password.
  6. If you are not on the database contact the Club Secretary by clicking on the Contact Us option on the home page menu.
  7. Once logged in you will be returned to the Home page.
  8. Top right hand corner will have: Welcome,( your name)│Member Area│ Logout.
  9. Click on Member Area, this opens the District Launchpad to update the following: My Profile, My Clubs Info (for Club Executives only) or Calendar (to view upcoming events).
  10. Add the website to Favourites.
The Club website is a public platform to promote Scarborough Rotary, advertise Club activities/news (please send to the Club webmaster), check on District and Club Events as well as a resource centre for members (by login only).